Consumer/Family Satisfaction Team (C/FST)
Call (724) 438-6738, Option 2 for more information

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If you would like to complete a Health Choices Survey online, please fill out the the contact form and we will get back to you.

What does HealthChoices C/FST mean to you?


The C/FST surveyors may be a consumer of behavioral health or substance abuse services, a family member of someone who receives these services or a person in recovery.


We believe everyone has the right to:

  • Ask questions
  • Be treated with respect and dignity
  • Understand the options available for treatment, housing, education and transportation
  • Receive the highest quality treatment


The Consumer/Family Satisfaction Team starts with YOU, family members, and persons in recovery who complete a survey that is used across the state of Pennsylvania in all counties. Results are reported* to Carelon Health Of Pennsylvania, the Behavioral Health Managed Care Organization for Fayette County. Consumers and/or their family members can look for us out at the Provider Agencies throughout the county to do a survey with us.

How does C/FST work?

  • C/FST members are in the community at providers’ offices gathering your opinions using a HealthChoices survey.
  • The survey is used by 10 counties across Western Pennsylvania who have Carelon Health of PA as their Behavioral Health Managed Care Provider.
  • The  results are reported to Carelon, Fayette County Behavioral Health Administration and the Pennsylvania Office of Mental Health & Substance Abuses Services (OMHSAS).
  • Guaranteed confidentiality ensures that your privacy is always respected and protected.

*Please know that any information we forward from your completed survey is ANONYMOUS. The results are placed in a computer database with no names, no times, no social security numbers or dates of birth. The database just simply calculates the actual numbers of responses which is the information the provider gets every three months. There is no way to tell who completed which survey. We never want you to feel uncomfortable providing truthful answers and expressing your concerns regarding your treatment.

Goals of Fayette County HealthChoices C/FST

  • Provide members with a confidential means to express their opinion regarding the services they or a family member receives.
  • Give members the information they need to file a complaint or grievance, find a provider or change their health insurance provider, if necessary.
  • Assure members of how important their opinions are to service providers so treatment  options are continuously improved and expanded to fit their needs.
  • Identify additional services that may be helpful to them or a family member and provide them with information on how to access those services.
  • Enable members and providers to develop mutual respect.
  • Give relevant feedback to providers so they can give the best possible service.