Advocacy Network
What is Advocacy Network
Advocacy Network is a host and home to advocacy groups and a source of information for families and/or individuals who need an advocate to help them navigate mental health services in Fayette County. It is a place to find support from others who are going through similar challenges and experiences.
Advocacy Groups
We are a group of parents who have children that access services through one or more of the child-serving systems (Juvenile Probation, Drug & Alcohol, Mental Health, Children & Youth, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities)
Fayette County Family Council on Social Media
Partners is a community support program to help improve services, systems of care, and supports for those being treated for substance use and mental health issues. Meetings are open to anyone with an interest in mental health issues and advancing the quality of life for members and people with mental health needs.
Fayette County Partners For Recovery on Social Media
NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
A network of people dedicated to providing a safe environment for LGBTQIA+ residents of Fayette County.
Fayette County GSA on Social Media
While also a service at the Mental Health Association for students in the educational setting regarding the educational component. The Youth Behavioral Health Advisor representation of the Advocacy Network is utilized for outreach in the educational component of the community.
This group consists of individuals that identify as having a Developmental or Intellectual disability, their supports and/or family members. They help to identify areas where training is needed, link families and individuals with community supports and service providers, and aid in providing a voice in the community.
Suicide prevention and awareness for Fayette County, PA.
Emergency Contacts:
- National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988
- Fayette County Mental Health Crisis Hotline: 724-437-1003
- Crisis Text Line: ‘HOME’ to 741-741